AOC: Tee Ke Ran
AOC: Leo Syafinas Ibrahim
Leo Chan Pei
Leo Chong Jia ShengDate : 27/4/2013
Time : 8.30am to 2.00pm
Venue : School Hall , SMK Damansara Jaya
The Health Services Project entitled ‘A
Gift of Blood Campaign’ started with an opening ceremony where Guests of Honour
and Special Guests are invited to witness and initiate the event. At 8.30 am,
the meeting was called to order by Leo Syafinas Ibrahim. Following that, the
flag salutation and Leo Pledge are read by the emcee. The Guests of Honour are
then invited onto stage to deliver their opening addresses. Souvenirs are then
presented to the Guests of Honour, Special Guests, representatives from iHeal
Medical Centre and representatives from The National Blood Bank. Finally, the
Guests of Honour are invited onto stage again to initiate the event through an
interesting act of defibrillating a volunteer.
The blood drive commences at 9.00 am
where a crowd of teachers, parents and Damansara Jaya residents enter the venue
to give the gift of their blood as their social responsibility. The staff from
the National Blood Bank took care of the blood transfusion and refreshments
while Leo members and prefects from the afternoon session helped with the
registration and presentation of incentives. 50 units of Zenne gas cookers are
presented to the first 50 blood donors as an incentive to encourage more people
to donate blood. Pictures are taken and forms for the gas cookers are filled
out for documentation purposes by the sponsoring company. Leo members and
prefects also prepared beverages for the blood donors and staffs who so kindly
volunteered their services at our humble event.