2nd Children’s Forum – I Have a Voice (14.9.11)
Venue: Petaling Jaya Library Hall
At around 9.00am, the registration was open and the crowd started coming in. The event started of with an Ice Breaking session by Zoe & Elsya. Then was an Introduction to the PJ Child Council. So there was the first session, "YOUR Voice" ( School Level). Carried on with a youth participation, "What It Really Means" (Where we are now and where we want to be). Around the noon there was a refreshing lunch prepared for all the attenders. Then it was a keynote speech by Sha’in Sreeni about Social Action and Youth Participation. Next was the second session, "Walk Your Talk" (School Level). A short break was held after that. So then it was the third session, "YOU are the champion!" (Community Level). Last but not least, the sharing of learning gained and action plans from individuals and groups. The closing ceremony was the carried next.