Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fortune Frenzy

Organizing Chairperson: Leo Foo Sher Ming

On the 11th to the 15th of February, we started of the project with the Form 1 to the Form 5 students during their recess. When the students first came down from their respective classes, they were wondering what a giant wheel with all of the Chinese Zodiacs on it was doing in right in the middle of the school canteen gazebo. We started to explain to them the rules on how to play the game.

After a brief explanation, the students took out their Rm1 and placed into a box we made under the gianjt wheel before spinning. Some of them were lucky and managed to get their own zodiacs or landed on the 'Snake'. Those who got their own zodiacs received a free Fortune Telling service by Leo Tee Ke Hui & Leo Solomon Tneo, who used numerology to read their fortune. Those who landed on the snake zodiac got their names entered into a lucky draw and stood a chance to win two free IU day tickets.

Some of them were also unlucky and did not win anything, but instead of leaving them empty handed, we gave them mandarin oranges as a consolation gift. The project carried on for five days in a row. However, we noticed the project was very unpopular among the Form 4 and 5's, since only one or two who actually test their luck.

We decided to give the LEO volunteers who helped during the project a day off on Thrusday. We continued again with the Form 1 and 2s in the afternoon session on the same day. After school on Friday out fortune tellers had to go back to their home town early, we brought forward the project to 1 to 2 in the afternoon, just before the afternoon session students had to go to the hall for their daily assembly.

Yeap, that's the wheel of fortune.

Humans, curious.

The Death Prophet.

Oh look! It's turning!

A boy ready to hear his fate.

Meow :3

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